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The MiamiTwits Twitter Group

Following Technosailor‘s lead, and using his code, I’ve setup the MiamiTwits Twitter group for people in the Miami, FL area (and anyone else, really) who wish to subscribe. All you need is: a twitter account (of course) follow @MiamiTwits send a direct message to the group (e.g., d MiamiTwits Hello Miami!) and it will be…


Variety: RCTV’s “El Señor Presidente” film challenges Chavez

An interesting article in this week’s Variety highlights the production of the film “El Señor Presidente” by RCTV, based on Miguel Angel Asturias, a Guatemalan Nobel Laureate in Literature. Read the complete article on Variety’s website. ‘El Señor Presidente’ challenges Chavez By Anna Marie De La Fuente RCTV, the 53 year old Venezuelan terrestrial network…