HD-DVD stuns Blueray
According to this Google Trends chart, HD-DVD is leaving Blueray in the dust. And we all know what dust will do to the laser in your player.
According to this Google Trends chart, HD-DVD is leaving Blueray in the dust. And we all know what dust will do to the laser in your player.
Who knew the graffiti scene was so complex? This successfully-viral ad from Adidas, takes us behind the scenes with a graffiti artist: The production quality of the ad is top-notch, the content is interesting (did you know there are several types of paint can nozzles available? I didn’t) and branding was subtle but effective. I…
It’s a hamburger world, it seems. Except for every Fourth of July, when Nathan’s Hot-dog Eating Contest rolls around. Check out the Google Trends chart:
An analysis of CBS’s first month on YouTube, including an investigation on the viral growth of several CBS shows.
Lies, damned lies and statistics (about TEDTalks) In a brilliantly tongue-in-cheek analysis, Sebastian Wernicke turns the tools of statistical analysis on TEDTalks, to come up with a metric for creating “the optimum TEDTalk” based on user ratings. How do you rate it? “Jaw-dropping”? “Unconvincing”? Or just plain “Funny”? [download tedPad here] Share it with your…
Google Video begins showing historical data for each video. My observations on this and what’s still missing (hint: a lot).
This is the first article of a series I’ll call GoogleTrending, where I use Google Trends to compare search terms and come to usually preposterous conclusions based on the trend charts. I hope you enjoy it. Share your favorite trend comparisons -or suggest ideas for new posts- using the comments form below. MySpace seems to…
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Breaking News… Blu-Ray comes from behind and double-stuns HD-DVD.
Thanks to Alex for pointing out that getting the terms correct goes a long way when analyzing Google Trends!
Good thing I put that disclaimer about “preposterous conclusions” on the first post of this series. ROFL!
Chris Saylor points out it’s still a pretty close race, I wouldn’t place my bets yet! http://rubyurl.com/tfX
Breaking News… Blu-Ray comes from behind and double-stuns HD-DVD.
Thanks to Alex for pointing out that getting the terms correct goes a long way when analyzing Google Trends!
Good thing I put that disclaimer about “preposterous conclusions” on the first post of this series. ROFL!
Chris Saylor points out it’s still a pretty close race, I wouldn’t place my bets yet! http://rubyurl.com/tfX
Wow… Thanks for that tip about the “|” operator. Just gave me a ton more ideas!
You can see a list of all the available operators you can use on the Google Trends About page.
There’s a ton of different options you can use.
Thanks Chris and Alex.
Wow… Thanks for that tip about the “|” operator. Just gave me a ton more ideas!
You can see a list of all the available operators you can use on the Google Trends About page.
There’s a ton of different options you can use.
Thanks Chris and Alex.
Hey, using a modified query to account for possible variation of both terms, HD-DVD pulls ahead again.
Check out http://tinyurl.com/ys7crq where I compare “hd-dvd | hddvd | hd dvd” against “blu-ray | blueray | bluray | blue-ray”
Take that, Blu-ray! 😉
Hey, using a modified query to account for possible variation of both terms, HD-DVD pulls ahead again.
Check out http://tinyurl.com/ys7crq where I compare “hd-dvd | hddvd | hd dvd” against “blu-ray | blueray | bluray | blue-ray”
Take that, Blu-ray! 😉