In Google Trends, Rock beats Paper
Today’s Trend chart shows that in the Googleverse, Rock beats Paper beats Scissors. Try that as an excuse next time your 5-yr old nephew beats you at RPS.
Today’s Trend chart shows that in the Googleverse, Rock beats Paper beats Scissors. Try that as an excuse next time your 5-yr old nephew beats you at RPS.
According to this Google Trends chart, HD-DVD is leaving Blueray in the dust. And we all know what dust will do to the laser in your player.
It’s interesting that searches for Football peak during the beginning of the season and are way down by the time the Super Bowl rolls around. The same happens for Baseball.
In April, 2006, I wrote: “Google is also making inroads into the set-top box business, hoping to bring television media straight into your television (whether it’s in your living room or your mobile phone).” Today, Google is finally announcing Google TV.
If you’re looking for some great iPad apps to keep your kids entertained, look no further than this list of recommended titles recommended by Robert Scoble’s readers on Google+.
It’s a hamburger world, it seems. Except for every Fourth of July, when Nathan’s Hot-dog Eating Contest rolls around. Check out the Google Trends chart:
According to this Google Trends chart, the expected arrival of Web3.0 is still far in the distance. It’s still a Web2.0 world. But sit tight… it’ll be here soon enough.