Undergoing renovations
We’re currently redesigning the blog, so if you see funky stuff don’t panic.
We’re currently redesigning the blog, so if you see funky stuff don’t panic.
Ever wanted to send an attachment using your web mail? Don’t you hate having to dig through your hard drive until you find the right file? While drag-and-drop capabilities would be great, it would be even better if the Desktop Search Tools already on our systems were smart enough to let us directly find the…
I’m off to Forbes’ MEET 2006 Conference (tomorrow and Wednesday at the Beverly Hills Hotel). The conference theme is: Reaping Riches in the Media and Entertainment Revolution. Check out the conference website for the agenda and list of speakers. I’m not sure what the blogging policy will be, but I’ll certainly try to post live…
… or why Yahoo needs to buy a desktop photo managing app, pronto. I’ve been using Flickr for a while now – I even have a Pro account (I previously used smugmug). I also use Picasa to manage my photos (having tried several versions of Adobe’s Photoshop Album). I like Picasa’s simplicity, instant image fix-ups,…
Use these quick hacks to use Google as a dictionary. 1. If you only want a quick word definition, prepend your Google search with define: For instance, https://encrypted.google.com/search?q=define:animal will give you a quick dictionary definition, followed by normal search results. Use define:search-term to get a quick dictionary definition 2. If you want a more complete definition…
Google Media How Google will change the way you experience music, television and media in general. Google, Google, everywhere It seems you can find Google just about anywhere these days. Internet search? Check. Satellite mapping? Check. Photos? Check. Online shopping? Check and check. Advertising? Check. Web analytics? Check. Finance? Check. Video? Check. Music and television?…
Jakob Nielsen does an interesting analysis of reading patterns on the web. By tracking the eye movement of hundreds of visitors while visiting thousands of websites, he’s come up with a visual map showing how these users examine, read and interpret a website. It turns out they mostly do an “F” pattern on the page,…