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NBC and CBS Neck-and-Neck on YouTube ratings
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Seasonal searches are seasonal – Doh!
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New Tools for Tracking NBC vs. CBS at YouTube
TubeMogul, the awesome online video traffic analysis tool, now (finally guys! 😉 ) offers embeddable charts, as well as a number of new social features. Here’s the latest month of YouTube data for NBC and CBS, showing NBC’s continuous lead over rival CBS. I’ve set the chart to show data from May 13 to Jun…
Two Interesting Articles from Advertising Age
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Lookout MySpace, here comes Facebook
This is the first article of a series I’ll call GoogleTrending, where I use Google Trends to compare search terms and come to usually preposterous conclusions based on the trend charts. I hope you enjoy it. Share your favorite trend comparisons -or suggest ideas for new posts- using the comments form below. MySpace seems to…