I Got 50 Gmail invites
Google must be really happy because of great earnings news… ’cause they just gave me 50 invites to give away. Want one? Post something nice -anything- and I’ll hook you up with one.
Google must be really happy because of great earnings news… ’cause they just gave me 50 invites to give away. Want one? Post something nice -anything- and I’ll hook you up with one.
So there I was, wide awake in my bed, wondering if the Crestor was keeping me from catching some much needed Zzzzs, when I decided to scramble over to my HP Media Center PC and check what was new on Digg. Over on my number two display, a trusty old 17″ BenQ FP731, my RSS…
Now that Google Drive is finally out, how do the storage plans compare to those offered by Dropbox?
Starting today, I’ll be posting a Spanish-language column at Aaron Brazell‘s Technosailor blog. My first post is about Facebook, Google’s OpenSocial and the social network nightmare we all face when joining a new network and having to recreate all our existing relationships. Click here to read the post and practice your Spanish!
Google Media How Google will change the way you experience music, television and media in general. Google, Google, everywhere It seems you can find Google just about anywhere these days. Internet search? Check. Satellite mapping? Check. Photos? Check. Online shopping? Check and check. Advertising? Check. Web analytics? Check. Finance? Check. Video? Check. Music and television?…
Well, according to this latest Google Trends report, it seems people make more searches for each season during that particular season. It seems kind of obvious, in retrospect… but it’s interesting to note that searches for “summer” begin much earlier than for any other season.
A funny thing happened today… I was searching Google News for tennis, wanting to read up on Andre Agassi’s amazing five-setter last night against Marco Baghdatis at the US Open. Amazingly enough, second among the search results was the following text: “ESPN: On late Thursday night Andre Agassi bowed out of the US Open… ……