Daily Post to RED66 09/06/2008
Being Peter Kim: A List of Social Media Marketing Examples
Examples of companies using and being used by social media marketing…
Being Peter Kim: A List of Social Media Marketing Examples
Examples of companies using and being used by social media marketing…
tags: newmedia, socialmedia, list, red66blog
Applying Circuit Breakers to a Social Media Mob Mentality « I’m Not Actually a Geek tags: red66blog, information, socialmedia, filter
Finding a Gold Mine in Digital Ditties – NYTimes.com tags: red66blog, newmedia, video, ugc Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Why many newsrooms frequently fight their online departments — Eat Sleep Publish tags: red66blog, newmedia, productivity, change
Hurricane Ike, 2008 / Stormpulse / Hurricane tracking, mapping Amazing storm graphics. Keep this link handy during hurricane season. tags: hurricane, graphic, dashboard, interesting, analytics, bblog, red66blog
GarcÃa Media | Blog tags: News, Design, red66blog, friendfeed
Amazing photo visualization tool “Our approach takes as input a large set of community or personal photos, reconstructs camera viewpoints, and automatically computes orbits, panoramas, canonical views, and optimal paths between views. The scene can then be interactively browsed in 3D using these controls or with five degree-of-freedom free-viewpoint control.” tags: red66blog, bblog, technology, cool,…